Becoming a Developer

Peter Bae
2 min readMar 11, 2021

My journey as a web developer started more with a necessity rather than passion. Before I started my new life, I was a chef. Being a chef was my passion. It fed my creativity and allowed me to be the person I am today. If you asked me a year ago if I’d ever leave that life behind, it was a most definite no.

So what happened? COVID-19 lockdown started. Exactly 1 year ago today. I was forced to leave the job I love behind and immediately went on CERB. Day by day I waited, eagerly waiting to go back in the kitchen. However, the waiting never stopped. Lockdown in Toronto got worse, jobs were dwindling, and I had to make a choice. Do I continue to wait and work small jobs here and there, or do I make a career change? I chose the latter.

I honestly didn’t even know if I’d like coding. I never tried. I have a few developer friends who I consulted on how it was to be a developer. Was the working hours long? How was the experience in going to bootcamp? What is the office environment like? What is the starting salary? Can I work from home? Is the course shorter than 1 year? It ticked all the boxes. The only question I still didn’t have an answer for was WILL I ENJOY IT.

An old friend of mine once told me that you either find a job that you are passionate about, or you find a job that pays for your passion. With that in mind, I decided to take the leap and sign up to Juno College. I told myself, whether I enjoy it or not isn’t a deal breaker. If I love it? Fantastic. Hate it? That’s okay, I’ll pursue my passion for cooking in non-professional setting.

I have now finished two part-time courses, and currently part of a 3 month bootcamp. Workload can sometimes be daunting. My brain is constantly being flooded with new information. BUT, I’m loving every second of it. I’m a developer now.

